Mind The Voice Method

Mind The Voice offers the complete vision and 360° approach for optimizing the voice.

Mind The Voice offers a revolutionary 360° approach to the voice, integrating mental, emotional, physical, energetic, and vocal components into one groundbreaking method. This unique, scientifically backed approach explores the multidimensional factors that affect the voice, and is the only vocal method to provide a comprehensive approach through the Big Vocal 5: mental, emotional, physical, energetic, and vocal.

Big Vocal 5

In the Mind The Voice method, we apply the Big Vocal 5 in a 360° Approach. The Big Vocal 5 forms the foundation of the Mind The Voice methodology, linking the mental, physical, emotional, energetic, and vocal components. These elements are inseparable, where changes in one domain automatically impact the other four.


  • Personal Coaching: Personalized guidance to break through thought patterns.
  • Personal ID: A program developed by Mind The Voice to help you discover who you want to become as a person or artist. Through in-depth brainstorming sessions, you work towards creating a personal portfolio or guide that will direct your growth as an individual or artist, helping you clearly define your goals.


  • The Helicopter View: A 360° coaching method that helps you examine emotional blockages, needs, systemic relationships, and physical complaints from a broader perspective. By zooming out and feeling your emotional burdens, you gain insights into underlying connections and work towards mental, physical, and vocal well-being.


  • Reset or Vocal Reset: Unlocking physical blockages at the muscle, fascia, and nervous system level.
  • QiWave: Biofeedback of body and voice.


  • Sound Therapy: Treatments with tuning forks and singing bowls to clear energetic blockages and restore the energy flow in the body. This not only enhances voice resonance and harmonizes energy balance but also creates inner calm, relaxes the nervous system, and promotes deep physical and mental recovery.
  • Energetic Healing: A healing process, either hands-on or hands-off, conducted during a Reset, depending on the goal. It affects the body’s energy channels and electromagnetic field, as well as the subtle bodies like the mental, emotional, and etheric body. This promotes profound recovery and energy harmonization within and around the body.


  • Vocal Map: A visual framework that charts all possible sounds, vocal registers, and vocal effects. It provides a clear overview to specifically target vocal recovery, activation, or optimization, following the Big Vocal 5, enabling full control over your voice.
  • Shout: A technique that creates a free, open sound without strain on the throat. Shout reduces throat tension and frees the voice, making it stronger and more effortless.
  • Vocal Strategy: Specific Go-to-Voice strategies that teach you new sounds, vocal registers, and vocal effects in 5 to 7 steps, while also correcting existing vocal issues. These strategies are entirely tailored to your vocal goals, physical characteristics, and thought processes.
  • SOVT-Trainer: A unique vocal training tool with 15 levels, based on the SOVT principle. The SOVT-Trainer is also used according to the Mind The Voice method to achieve better results.

360° Approach:

The Mind The Voice method does not focus on treating a physical issue with isolated physical treatments. Instead, we build a program based on the Big Vocal 5. By utilizing the cross-pollination between the mental, emotional, physical, energetic, and vocal domains, we create a sustainable path to a fully integrated result. This is the only way, according to the Mind The Voice methodology, to achieve a holistic outcome where voice, body, and mind function optimally.


Big Vocal 5

360° approach and vision

The foundation of the Mind The Voice methodology is based on the integration of five essential pillars: mental, physical, emotional, energetic, and vocal. These elements are inextricably intertwined; a change in one domain directly or indirectly affects the other four. This interconnection forms the core of our approach, creating a harmonious and balanced whole.

Your voice is not solely dependent on your vocal cords; it arises from a complex interplay of mental, emotional, physical, and energetic processes. Through our 360° approach and by understanding and mapping these processes, we can treat the voice efficiently and effectively. The Mind The Voice method not only leads to improvement but truly makes a difference.


Vocal Map

Your vocal road map

The Vocal Map serves as the blueprint for the vocal component of the Mind The Voice method. The power of this map lies in its ability to help you build a sound in a simple yet effective way, from a basic voice to a specific tone color or vocal effect. The four “sound setting dials” form the foundation of this vocal map, complemented by a resonance arc that provides insight into specific vocal colors, registers, and effects. This map, along with its legend, serves as a guide for all vocal techniques.

During coaching sessions, your personal route on the Vocal Map is determined by your Vocal Strategy, where we focus on the techniques you need to develop and optimize your voice.

As with everything in our method, this technique doesn’t stand alone. The Vocal Map is integrated with physical and mental adjustments, such as posture, body awareness, and thought patterns, ensuring that your vocal development is fully supported by both body and mind.


Vocal Strategy

Your vocal GPS

Mind The Voice has developed 52 Vocal Strategy cards, each representing a specific goal or end target in your journey toward the desired vocal tone. All of these strategies are based on the Vocal Map, providing a simple yet highly efficient way to build sounds. This allows you to master a wide range of vocal tones and quickly recall them through vocal triggers or onsets.

The Vocal Strategy is a comprehensive approach for effective and goal-oriented vocal development.


Vocal Kinetics

Kinergize your voice!

Vocal Kinetics focuses on the synergy between voice and movement. In this approach, movement, posture, and muscle activation are closely aligned with vocal use, resulting in a more powerful, stable, and effortless voice. By integrating specific movements and postures into the vocal process, a natural dynamic is created in which the whole body is engaged to optimally support the voice. Your vocal control is closely tied to the mastery of your kinetic chain; by controlling this chain, you are able to convert kinetic energy into vocal energy.

Incorporating kinetic exercises into your vocal training helps you become aware of the muscle chains that need to be activated or relaxed for a free and open voice. This ensures that your body learns what is needed to achieve specific vocal outcomes, and by training your muscle memory, you can later recall these results effortlessly, allowing your voice to perform without strain.


Vocal Reset

Vocal magic

It is completely normal for your body and voice to react to external and internal stressors, causing them to fall out of balance.

A Vocal Reset offers the solution by restoring your body to its default settings through a kinergetic treatment. This process rebalances the Big Vocal 5: mental well-being, the physical body, emotional balance, energy levels, and the voice.

Think of it as essential maintenance for your entire system, necessary to continue your vocal activities powerfully and effortlessly. Without regular resets, you risk overloading, which can lead to chronic issues across the entire chain of voice, body, and mind.



360° Self-Development

The Helicopter View is an in-depth journey of self-discovery and personal growth. With the Helicopter View, you embark on an introspective path where you master the art of “helicoptering”—learning to observe your life from a higher perspective, with a 360° view that encompasses everything. This offers you a panoramic overview of your current life situation, allowing you to identify, understand, and overcome the fine details and hidden patterns in your mental beliefs, behaviors, emotions, needs, and relationships.

The goal of the Helicopter View is to empower you to take control of your own life and environment, set clear boundaries, and restore a healthy Mind The Voice Balance. This enables you to shape your life with confidence and conviction.



Maximum expression

Mind The Voice distinguishes itself not only through its unique 360° approach to the voice but also as the inventor of the SOVT-Trainer. This advanced vocal training tool allows you, in just 5 to 10 minutes – in combination with the Mind The Voice method – to purify your voice, effectively address vocal issues, and optimize and train your voice to achieve the sound you desire on the Vocal Map.

The SOVT-Trainer is both a voice recovery and optimization tool, fully developed, manufactured, and distributed by Mind The Voice. Its major advantage is its accessibility: it’s super small, slim, easy to carry, and an essential tool that everyone should have at home, much like an aspirin.

Feeling a weak voice? The SOVT-Trainer to the rescue!



Realtime Biofeedback

Mind The Voice is pioneering—and how. Mind The Voice developed a groundbreaking, revolutionary method: QiWAVE. This innovative approach combines biofeedback and 3D technology with physiological biodynamics, energy meridians, psychosomatics, and non-verbal and verbal communication, all according to the Mind The Voice methodology. This self-developed technology enables us to analyze and correct physical, mental, and vocal blockages in real-time. QiWAVE serves as the scientific validation of the Mind The Voice method.




“Tiffany not only saved me from the fear that my voice wouldn’t make it through the next shows, but also gave me the strength to visualize ‘I’m worthy of my power as a performer.’ It was the miracle I needed to reduce stress and anxiety, and transform my vocal cords into power muscles…”

“Finally, a vocal coach who listens to what I need as an artist! After all these years, I’ve finally found someone who helps me truly understand my voice and body, so I can give the best version of myself on stage. With Tiffany, your vocal technique is tailored to you, and you really learn to connect your body, mind, and voice.”


“Mind The Voice! Why didn’t I go sooner?! Not only has my singing improved, but I’ve also been coached in so many different skills—from vocal coaching to songwriting sessions to performance coaching. Every session with Tiffany is unique and tailored to my specific needs at that moment.”


“Choosing Mind The Voice was the best decision I’ve ever made for my voice. Tiffany taught me many technical exercises to sing without losing my voice, and also how to relax my mind and body to hit the right notes effortlessly. Singing with this method has been an amazing experience.”

“Tiffany makes you believe in your own strength. She shows you that you’re even stronger than you ever thought and gives your confidence a boost. On top of that, she gives the best vocal massages to connect body, voice, and mind.”


“I’ve worked with several other vocal coaches before, and I have to say that the way Mind The Voice combines vocal techniques with mindset exercises and physical performance is, without a doubt, the best possible way to coach singers in any genre.”


“I’ve been singing for years, but since being coached by Tiffany, I’ve seen my potential grow tremendously in a very short time. She finds the exercises that work best for you to maximize your technique because she doesn’t believe in limits. She boosts your mindset, ensures your body is ‘performance-ready,’ and selects the exercises that suit you best as a vocal performer, turning your weaknesses into strengths.”


“Tiffany is so much more than a vocal coach. And she’s probably the best at that too! She understands how the body and mind need to work together to make you the best singer you can be and works towards that. She’s the one I call in those moments of panic we all know as singers. Then she works her magic and makes you sing better than ever before.”

“Tiffany’s lessons strike the perfect balance between using the voice correctly and training the mindset. I had always used my voice in a limited way, but with the Mind The Voice method, I can now get so much more out of it. The combination of Tiffany’s know-how, dedication, and winning mentality is perfect for me.”

“Singing is not just about technique; Tiffany’s holistic approach has helped me work on chronic hyperventilation, which led to a greater vocal range and control. Oh, and she’s also really fun, which always helps you feel more at ease as you reach for high notes you never thought you could hit.”